
Results for tag:single puzzle
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13 results found

All Things Devours

, by half sick of shadows (2004)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(92 ratings)


, by Andrew D. Pontious (2000)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(90 ratings)

Lime Ergot

by Caleb Wilson (as Rust Blight)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(82 ratings)

First Person

, by Buster Hudson (2014)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(13 ratings)


by J.D. Clemens
Tags matched: single puzzle
(34 ratings)


, by Buster Hudson (2014)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(8 ratings)

69,105 Keys

by David Welbourn
Tags matched: single puzzle
(80 ratings)

That Damn Elevator!

by Binkley Beardman
Tags matched: single puzzle
(2 ratings)

In the Spotlight

, by John Byrd (1998)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(6 ratings)

ASCII and the Argonauts: Astral Plane

, by Anonymous (2003)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(3 ratings)

Old fogey

by Simon Deimel
Tags matched: single puzzle
(3 ratings)


, by Esa Peuha (2002)
Tags matched: single puzzle
(9 ratings)

The Royal Puzzle

, by Port by Kenneth Pedersen, original by Bruce Daniels et al. (2017)
Tags matched: single puzzle