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Contains VMC10.exe
Type CLOAD & hit ENTER then select DUNGEON.​C10 in the JimG subdirectory of the Cassette directory. Type RUN & hit ENTER.
Windows Application (Windows XP and later) (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)

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About the Story

This game is based fairly closely on the old basic rules of D&D. On the dungeon screen, red walls definitely contain no secret passages, while the orange walls are ones you haven't searched yet. The letters have the following meanings:

D=DOORS (run into these to make the first character "bash" them. Try again if necessary. The strength of the first character determines rate of success)

Use the arrow keys (A,W,S,Z) to move your party, or select one of the letters listed on the main menu bar to perform actions. Remember that every move and action takes up time in the dungeon and increases the possibility of attracting wandering monsters, so be selective about what you do. Don't, for example, just search for traps or secret passages indiscriminately. Bashing doors rather than picking their locks attracts monsters, but takes less time. Picking locks takes time, but doors can then be relocked. Monsters cannot go through locked doors or enabled traps.

The following actions are available from the main menu bar:
Pressing C searches for hidden passages (having an Elf helps with this).
Pressing R searches for hidden traps (the more live members the better).
If you have a thief in your party, he or she will try to pick any locks or disable any traps in spaces next to the party. If doors are already unlocked or traps are disabled, then the thief will try to lock a door or re-enable the trap. Sometimes, their actions will have effects on nearby doors and traps.
Pressing M cycles through all the living party members and allows you to choose whether they will fire their ranged weapons or use magic. Choose a direction to fire (W,A,S, Z) or press N if you wish not to fire or use magic.
Pressing O allows you to change the marching order of the party. In melee combat the first two members are the ones who do the fighting.

On the party member information screens, the codes have the following meanings:
NM=CHARACTER NAME (up to 6 characters in length)

The number after the CA (Charisma point) number is the amount of EX and $$ points needed to obtain the next level. As the party members increase in level, the dungeons should get tougher. When you buy items the old items are simply replaced. Shields cannot be used with two-handed weapons (and will be discarded if you select them). The two handed weapons are the sword and the ax. You can load and save parties at the beginning and end of each dungeon. Return to the entrance to exit a dungeon.

The spells that can be used by magic users, clerics and elves are as follows:
Reveal=Reveal secret rooms, traps and treasure
Healing=Restore full hit points to a party member
Locking=Lock any nearby doors
Shield=Create a shield of locked doors around party
Missile=Magic missile
Blast=Destroy walls
Turn=Turn undead monsters
Aparate=Teleport to random location in dungeon
Revive=Resurrect a dead party member

Reveal is a good spell to use at the beginning, when your party is just starting out. It shows where to find gold (so you can buy more and better equipment). It also shows you where to find magic items.

Run MAKEDUNG.C10 if you want to edit your own dungeons to load, rather than playing random ones.

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